
Lexington, Kentucky, April 13th, 2001

Lineup: Frisky, Shiva, Trevor Lamont, Tig, DJ 23, DJ Tsar, DanBala.

Click on the link for the full sized view.
I'm horrible with names, so if I forgot yours, let me know
and I'll update the page with your name next to your picture.

Amanda and Lauryn fillin out surveys. 
DJ 23 
DJ 23 again. 
A breakdancer. 
Trevor Lamont. 
Dean and Tig.
The Crowd during Trevor's set.
Lisa and Leah 
The dancefloor. 
Shiva again. 
Dean and Knockturnal. 
DJ Frisky. 
DJ Frisky again. 
Ryan twirls glowsticks 
Tara and Doug 
More DJ Frisky